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Below are several resources available for CVSD students and their families. Please note that this is just a list of available sources and that inclusion on this list is not an endorsement.  

Local Behavior Health Providers:
  • United Way LINC Hotline: 2-1-1
  • Lancaster County Office of Behavioral Health and Development: 717-399-7323
Crisis Numbers
  • EMS: 9-1-1
  • Lancaster County Crisis Line: 717-394-2631
  • Lancaster General Emergency Room: 717-544-5122
  • National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
Conestoga Valley Christian Community Services (CVCCS)
  • Conestoga Valley School District values a strong partnership with Conestoga Valley Christian Community Services (CVCCS) to support families in the CV Community.  CVCCS houses our community clothing and food banks as well as coordination of the Weekend Blessings program.  This program is designed to help meet the nutritional needs of the children in the Conestoga Valley School District. CVCCS provides school-aged children with a pack of nutritious food each Friday for use on the weekends. CVCCS and the counselors are reaching out to help parents and families provide a nutritional boost for eligible children on weekends when they are not receiving school lunch.  CVCCS volunteers and staff want to support your family with this ministry in order to lessen some of your financial burden.  If you would like more information about these services and/or if you would like your child to be considered for the Weekend Blessings program, please contact your school counselor.  For more information on CVCCS, visit their website at

Junior Achievement Programs
  • Junior Achievement (JA) programs correlate to various national, state, and district educational standards. JA’s elementary school programs are the foundation of its K-12 curricula. Different themes, each with five hands-on activities, as well as a capstone experience, work to change students’ lives by helping them understand business and economics. Click here to find out more. 

Grief Resources
  • Pathways Center for Grief & Loss supports the needs of children, teens and families impacted by serious illness and loss through individual and group grief support services.
  • Coping Kids & Teens helps children, teens and families learn about loss, develop coping skills and build self-confidence through fun-filled activities and opportunities for small and large-group sharing in a safe atmosphere. We offer the area’s most comprehensive grief education and support for children and teens. Thanks to the generous support of the community, most services are free of charge. Click here to find out more.
Medical Assistance
  • Pennsylvania provides Medical Assistance or ACCESS to children with disabilities regardless of the parental income level. It does not matter if the child has health insurance through their parent’s health insurance plan. The main reason for applying for the ACCESS card is that most group and individual health insurance plans DO NOT cover the therapies and treatments that are needed for your child’s care. IE: OT, PT, wraparound services.  However, medical assistance does often help to cover many of these types of services (prior authorization from the medical assistance plan is required). Click here to find out more. 
  • CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program) 1-800-986-5437. CHIP is Pennsylvania's program to provide health insurance to uninsured children and teens who are not eligible for or enrolled in Medical Assistance. There are a lot of reasons kids might not have health insurance - maybe their parents lost a job, don't have health insurance at work or maybe it just costs too much. Whatever the reason, CHIP may be able to help. CHIP is free or low cost health insurance for children under 19 years of age, covers doctor visits, immunizations, emergency care, prescriptions, dental care, vision care, mental health, hearing care and more. No child is excluded for a pre-existing condition.